Worldwide Rosary for the Freedom of the Traditional Mass

Worldwide Rosary for the Freedom of the Traditional Mass

Since the publication of the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes on July 16, 2021, we have been filled with incomprehension, concern and even bitterness. The reason for this is that Pope Francis has expressed to the whole Church his desire to see the celebration of the traditional Mass disappear over time. He is accusing the traditional liturgy of being an instrument of division and suspicion, whereas it is for us, on the contrary, an instrument of personal sanctification and evangelization, a source of graces for our families and a means of edification for our societies. Trusting in God’s divine power, we have not ceased to pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ that He may enlighten the Holy Father and all the bishops of the world, so that they realize the great harm that would be done to the entire Church if they were to cut themselves off from her liturgical, ritual, doctrinal and spiritual roots.

Starting with this month of October 2021, we want to turn once again to Heaven and implore the Blessed Virgin Mary to protect and defend the Mass that belongs to the Tradition of the Church, and make it flourish throughout the world. To the Blessed Virgin who was present at the foot of the Cross, as she is ever present at the foot of the altar each time the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is renewed, we address our humble prayers, so that through her powerful intercession, her Divine Son may hear our supplications and fulfill the pleas of her children.

We are also associating with this prayer intention all “Those priests who suffer.” We pray for those who have suffered in their priestly life because of lockdowns and the suspension of public worship; for those who, in their spiritual understanding of the Eucharist, have been wounded through the limitation or prohibition of distributing Holy Communion directly on the tongue; for those who suffer from the restrictions placed by the ecclesiastical authorities on the celebration of the traditional Mass that “delights their youth.”

By offering a rosary, a chaplet, or even a simple decade for these intentions, we want to address to Heaven the plea of a forsaken people. We believe that what is at stake is nothing less than the salvation of souls and the perpetuation of the Church. It is with confidence that we turn to the Mother of God because we know that her Son will grant our petition and that, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church will return to its age-old liturgical roots and will be sure to welcome back, as her faithful children, those who ask only to remain faithful to the faith of their fathers.


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Number of offerings of the Ave Maria for this intention